Monday, October 6, 2014

Der Klamotten-Heinz zum Basteln

Die Figur des Klamotten-Heinz, den die Kölner Autorin Christina Bacher erfunden hat, gibt es mittlerweile als richtigen Bastelbogen zum Ausschneiden und Anziehen. Ich hab mal gebastelt und finde es erstaunlich wie unterschiedlich der Heinz in seiner Garderobe wirkt. Ein nettes Experiment.

Brochure for a Care Home

The following illustrations were made for a brochure for children who live in a care home. Since they have a lot of small children there and children who only know a little German, it was my job was to explain the rules of the community with pictures. Here are some examples of the over 20 illustrations I have made for that purpose.

A Visit at the Zoo

I have to catch up on showing my work. I had some really nice commissional work to do during the past weeks. First of all – this cool poster for the Cologne Zoo (VRS Kindertage im Kölner Zoo). This poster with stickers was made for a Zoo Rally and the children had to hunt for the stickers around the Zoo.